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Vacant Land
Lot 18 Millbrook Rise, Doctor's Brook, NS

“Build your dream home on this perched 3.53 acre parcel, in the quaint community of Brook-to-Sea, Doctors Brook. It's private and tranquil, easily accessible, with brook access and deeded beach access. A lower portion of the Lot (in the gorge and along the picturesque brook) provides a private hiatus with added potential. Nestled away, this lot has been partially cleared, leaving groves of birch/mixed hardwood to landscape around. Private road access, a driveway in place, and power to the Lot line. Minutes away from the Arisaig Wharf and Arisaig Provincial Park, 20 minutes to the Town of Antigonish. Protective Covenants apply. Price is before applicable HST.”

Property ID 141001



Date Listed


Time on Market

6 months

House Style Vacant Land
Ownership Freehold
Property Size 3.5 Acres
Waterfront? no
Square Footage Total N/A
Square Footage Above Grade N/A
Easements N/A
Rental Equipment N/A

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